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Hypnotherapy & Cellular Nutrition counseling 

"The greatest discovery of my generation is that the human being, by changing his mind and his inner attitude can change all areas of his life."

William James

"To evolve, to develop is first to wish change by being well supported."

                        Milton Erickson


Who am I?

Hypnotherapist and cellular nutrition advisor

I am a hypnotherapist and a cell nutrition consultant with an open minded towards progress and in constant study.


I am a therapist with values ​​of respect, benevolent and committed, supporting towards every human being, in a welcoming and neutral and open environment.

My goal is to help my patients become independent and responsible and capable in managing their physical and mental health, encouraging them to adopt conscious choices that will lead them to well-being and the joy of living.


Graduated from the French Institute of Humanist & Ericksonian Hypnosis (IFHE) in Paris, France.

Qui suis je?

"Body, heart, mind for perfect unification with yourself."

La hypnotherapie


Solution oriented

Hypnotherapy has been designed to stimulate your brain's ability to recognize false beliefs and to reprogram it to obtain:

A life full of success, abundance and freedom. Hypnotherapy helps to find key to success in each of its areas of your life.

"We all have the resources within us to live a good life."

Milton Erickson

"Instead of identifying what is wrong, you can identify ways to grow."

Richard Bandler

"The brain is not made to work, it follows directions. If you know how your brain works, then you can set your own directions. Otherwise someone else will."

Richard Bandler





"Follow the path of your soul"

Olivier Lockert

"Man carries the mystery of life which carries the mystery of the world."

Edgar Moris

"The greatness of a man lies in his ability to correct his mistakes and to renew himself continuously."

Wang Yang-Ming















"Let food be our first doctor."


Fête d'agrumes

Cell nutrition

Nutrition advisor - Health science



Eating is a daily need for our organism ... and for our brain, knowing how your brain works will help you eat better and feed it better so that it can perform all the necessary tasks. All high performances will depend on the content of nutrients.  


We learn to read, write, count ... Later on, we learn to drive, and learn to have a profession ...


But why can't we learn to eat, when it is one of the pillars of our life? Our diet determines our health, our fitness, our physical performance and our mental performance.

The goal is to simply adapt your diet, to preserve your health and to stay in shape, restore the essentials and the understanding of a healthy and balanced diet!

Some illnesses are directly related to what you eat.


The importance of a well balanced diet is not a new idea

To stay healthy, the body needs a certain proportion of vitamins, however, todays meals are often unbalanced, destructurized and au paire to a sedentary life.


Nutritional science has become an important factor today, alongside the development of new scientific knowledge. By incorporating essential nutrients and antioxidants in your everyday diet you will nourish your cells and improve your well-being.


If you are ready to invest in your health, it is important to choose quality nutritional supplements.

Your professional office located in the 9th district of Paris 


Your health starts here

Thank you for your message!



+33 6 63 46 98 98

56 rue de Douai 75009 Paris

Information pratiques Membre du SNH: Syndicat National des Hypnothérapeutes

Je vous propose des consultations d'Hypnose Thérapeutique en cabinet uniquement sur rendez-vous

⇢ Tarifs adaptés pour les personnes ayant des difficultés financières

Important : hypnosis or nutrition counselor sessions are not intended to replace the services of health professionals. I am neither a psychotherapist nor a doctor and I am not a member of any other professional order in the field of physical or mental health. I do not make a medical or psychological diagnosis. I do not prescribe medication or medical treatment. I cannot recommend that a client stop seeing a healthcare professional or take medication or the treatments prescribed by a healthcare professional. I am a hypnotherapist and nutrition consultant.

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