Questions & answers
How is a hypnosis session?

The therapist will inquire into the problem by trying to understand the blocking processes, then help to determine a positive goal and use techniques to program the unconscious.
In the first case, the hypnosis session consists of a time of induction, a time of therapeutic work in itself, and a time for reassociation (return to the ordinary state of consciousness) . Following this, a time for debriefing, deepening or elaboration is proposed according to the chosen therapeutic orientation.
Hypnosis improves unconscious performance and help you take control of your life.
How long does it last?

It depends. On average it is hard to say if an individual can have a session in less than 40 minutes.
But normally, a hypnosis session may last from 45 minutes to an hour and a half.
The number of sessions?

The number of sessions depends, among other things, on the orientation of the client's objective. It is therefore difficult to estimate in advance the number of sessions required, but the average is generally 4 to 5 meetings.
The person can come for one objective and come back later for another, this is done according to the feelings and needs of each.
When to do hypnosis?

Want personal change / develop your resources and talents
Want to quit smoking / lose weight
Stress / ruminations / depression / sleep / migraines
Pain / trouble
Facilitate pregnancy or childbirth
Support during illness etc.

In psychotic subjects where the report to should only be practiced by specialized doctors.
For the same reason, although the effectiveness of hypnosis in the treatment of addictions is proven; it is not recommended for subjects who have used drugs or alcohol shortly before the session.
Is everyone hypnotizable?

Any volunteer is hypnotizable.
Everyone experiences states of consciousness: a moment of reverie like when reading a book or when driving a car, browsing pages or part of the journey without actually being present.
It is a condition similar to hypnosis.
Hypnosis in children and teens?

Hypnosis is particularly effective for the treatment of disorders relating to children. Unlike adults, children are generally much more receptive to hypnosis because they are much more easily influenced and have a vivid imagination.
This fertile imagination makes it much easier to access the unconscious in order to bring about the desired change. Therefore, hypnosis with children can bring effective results very quickly.
A hypnotherapist can use a variety of techniques with children, including visualization, stories, puppets, and role plays that they love.
Other questions?

Do not hesitate to contact me if you have other questions or doubts about the various therapies.
Important : hypnosis or nutrition counselor sessions are not intended to replace the services of health professionals. I am neither a psychotherapist nor a doctor and I am not a member of any other professional order in the field of physical or mental health. I do not make a medical or psychological diagnosis. I do not prescribe medication or medical treatment. I cannot recommend that a client stop seeing a healthcare professional or take medication or the treatments prescribed by a healthcare professional. I am a hypnotherapist and nutrition consultant.